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Our acts perform at more Irish 4 & 5 star properties in Ireland than any other.


Our Creative & Management Teams have worked on events across 6 continents in places such as the White House (Washington DC), Beijing Opera House, the Kremlin State Palace (Moscow), Radio City Music Hall (New York); worked with international acts such as the Rolling Stones, Riverdance, Bryan Adams; overseen corporate events for the Irish Government, Etihad Airways & Google and performed for 3 US Presidents, the Queen of England & Prince Albert of Monaco. We have entertained a long list of celebrities including Ben Affleck, Michael Douglas, Hugh Grant, David Beckham, Tiger Woods, Michael Flatley and Chris Evans together with a long list of corporate executives. 

Limelight Entertainments & Event Specialists is part of Limelight Entertainment Group.

For almost 20 years Limelight Entertainment Group has been creating spectacular events and providing enthralling entertainment for a global audience. Our team of multi-disciplined experts are passionate about what they do and the flawless delivery and execution of exceptional events for a very diverse range of partners is what makes us who and what we are. No event is too small or ask too great. Our cost effective strategic solutions ensures that the client’s dreams become a reality in our hands while their best interests are protected at all times and their events are remembered for all the right reasons. We are a full-service entertainment and events company with a significant domestic presence and a proven track record internationally.



Founding Director


Artist Manager